
Learner Stories

Cathy’s Lifelong Learning Journey

Learning in the snow without having to leave home

Wearable Technology in Healthcare: What Are the Best Options?

There are so many options when it comes to wearable tech, which one is right for you? Find out in this article.

Slow and Steady: Improve Balance and Reduce Injury Risk

Balance is a skill that we all use every day. It's what allows us to walk across a busy street or not fall over while carrying groceries. But balance gets harder as we age, and it's one of the leading causes of injuries among older adults. Luckily, there are lots of things you can do to improve your balance and reduce your risk of falling.

Why Barre is Great for Older Adults

Barre is great for toning, flexibility, and improving balance!

5 Essential Exercises for Adults Over 60

Exercise can improve your overall well-being and help you stay active for years to come.

Get Fit and Healthy (Without Impacting Your Joints)

If you’re looking to get fit, these are some great ways to do it without compromising your joints.

The One Exercise Adults 55+ Should Never Skip

Strength training can help you stay fit and healthy as you age while also improving your overall quality of life.

Walking To Build Strong And Healthy Knees

Walking is a great exercise for people with knee osteoarthritis.