
Security & Fraud

AI Scam Alert: Your Essential Checklist for Spotting Frauds

A handy, printable checklist with key points to help identify potential AI scams.
Security & Fraud

Voter's Guide to Detecting Deepfakes in Elections

As we get ready for the next election, it's key to be on the lookout for deepfakes. These are very realistic videos made with advanced technology, but they might not be showing the truth. To help you identify these deepfakes, here's a simple 8 -point checklist:
Security & Fraud

Voice Trap: A Guide for Guarding Against AI Voice Scams

In an age where technology is rapidly advancing, it's important to stay informed about potential scams, especially those involving artificial intelligence (AI). AI voice scams are a growing concern, particularly for older adults. This guide aims to help you recognize and protect yourself from these scams.
Security & Fraud

Safeguarding Your Information: A Checklist for Combating Fraud

To help you navigate this challenging landscape, we've put together a Fraud Protection Checklist. This easy-to-follow guide offers 10 practical actions you can implement to strengthen your defenses against fraud. Each step is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to stay one step ahead of fraudsters.