Art & Crafts

Learner Stories

Annie is taking her art digital

To bring her stories to life through images

The Easiest Way to Decorate Your Pumpkin this Halloween

Painting your pumpkin is easier than carving and can look just as good if you know what to do!

Halloween Crafts Your Grandchildren Will Love to Make

Here are 3 Halloween crafts you can do with your grandchildren that will have everyone laughing and talking about how much fun they had!
En Español

Tesoros de México: Arte, Historia y Leyendas Contemporáneas

Si bien, la Ciudad de México puede ser mejor conocida por su impresionante arquitectura y su rico patrimonio cultural, la ciudad capital tiene una vibrante escena artística que los turistas suelen pasar por alto. En este artículo, lo llevaremos a algunos de los museos que exhiben algunos de los artistas más famosos de México y su trabajo.

The Joys of Crafting: How to Get Started and Reap the Rewards

Crafting activities can improve health and wellbeing, bring people together and create a sense of community.

Celebrate World Art Day with these classes

Art improves our physical and mental health while supporting meaningful connections with others.
Learner Stories

Creating something new

Sally was inspired to learn new things and expand her creativity through GetSetUp classes
Community Stories

Starting something wonderful

Linda started taking GetSetUp classes and ended up hosting her own by finding the courage to use her voice and share her knowledge with the community.