Key Takeaways:

  • Virtual interviews are becoming more common, so it's important to prepare for them just as you would for any other type of job interview.
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection and test your equipment, lighting, and background before the interview.
  • Dress professionally, practice your interview skills and answers, stay calm and confident, and send a thank-you note after the interview.

fter the job posting, resume submission, and cover letter, you have moved on to the next step of the job search: an interview. In today's environment, many companies are conducting virtual interviews through video conferencing platforms like Zoom. Because this can be a new experience for some candidates, we're sharing some best practices to help you prepare and feel confident in your next virtual interview.

Virtual interviews may be different but with preparation, it can be a successful way to land your next job.

Virtual interviews are becoming more common and for good reason. They can be done from anywhere and don't require the candidate to travel, which means companies and candidates alike are able to save time, money, and effort that would otherwise be wasted on a physical interview. However, with this in mind, it's important that you prepare for your virtual interview just as you would for any other type of job interview.

You should do your research about the company so that when asked what makes them unique or interesting about the business or product line (if applicable), you'll have some knowledge to share. Just like in-person interviews where it's important not only what you know but how well you communicate those ideas through body language and voice tone, having solid information at hand will help keep your answers relevant while making sure they're delivered with confidence!

Understand the tech needs

Make sure you have a good internet connection. Your interview will be streamed live, so it is important that you are able to stream without any interruptions or delays. If you don't have access to high-speed internet and/or the bandwidth necessary for video streaming, you may want to contact your local library, community center, or another facility that has free Wi-Fi available and ask if they could help with connecting during your virtual interview.

Test your equipment

You can do the following things to make sure your equipment is working properly:

  • Check the microphone and sound quality. Make sure that it’s working, that it's picking up your voice, and that you are being recorded clearly.
  • Test the video quality by having someone watch from a different device or computer so they can let you know if there are any issues with how you look on camera while speaking.
  • Test the lighting by making sure there isn't too much glare on your face and that there is enough light in general so that you can be seen well by whoever is watching (you won't want to be casting shadows!).
  • Test backgrounds—if possible, find a quiet place where no one else will be behind or near what's being filmed so as not to distract viewers from seeing only YOU talking!

Prepare your environment

To ensure that your video interview goes smoothly, you'll need to make sure you have a quiet environment and a good internet connection. Don't forget to try out the conditions before the interview—it's important to know if your microphone is picking up background noise (like air conditioners or other machinery) or if your camera is picking up lighting issues (like shadows).

If possible, try to find an area where there aren't any windows in the background of your shot. This will help avoid awkward reflections and glare that may distract from what's happening on screen. If possible, do this at least 15 minutes prior so there won't be any unexpected changes in lighting during filming.

Practice your interview skills and answers

If you're applying for a job, you're likely to be asked a bunch of questions. To make sure that you are prepared, practice answering those same questions in front of friends or family members. The more times you go through this process, the more comfortable and confident you'll feel when it comes time for the real interview.

Think about what types of questions they might ask (and write them down) so that when they do come up during your virtual interview, there won't be any surprises!

Dress for success

When you are applying for a job, it’s important to make sure that the first impression you make with your potential employer is a good one. This means looking professional and polished. You should dress in clothes appropriate for the position you are applying for, as well as what is appropriate for the workplace of your potential employer. If they wear business casual every day, put on some nice slacks and a button-up shirt.

If there is any doubt about what to wear when dressing professionally, always err on the side of overdressing rather than underdressing. Unless otherwise specified by the company or role description, try to err towards professionalism rather than informality when choosing an outfit!

Stay calm and confident

The most important thing to remember about the virtual interview is that it's just like any other job interview—only with a little less face-to-face interaction. A good way to combat any nervous energy is by staying positive and assertive during your conversation.

Send a thank-you note

Once you've completed your interviews, it's important to send a thank-you note. This can be formal or informal, depending on the context and how well you know the interviewer. If you had multiple interviews with one company, it's best to send separate notes to each person who interviewed with you.

The purpose of this kind of communication is to let your potential employer know that their time was well spent and appreciated—even if they don't end up hiring you! It will also allow them another chance for feedback on what went well during the interview process and what didn't go so great. Plus, there's always a chance that this employer will contact other companies in search of talent resources; if so, they may remember something from their interactions with someone else when looking at candidates' resumes later down the road!

Virtual interviews might be something new for you.

However, with a little preparation and practice, you can make sure that your next interview will be a success. We hope this article has given you some helpful tips to keep in mind and prepare yourself for success!

To learn more tips and tricks to conquer your virtual interview, check out our class Successful Interviewing.

Jun 23, 2022
Business & Jobs