Wade Yarbrough

Digital Literacy

Stay Safe Online: A Quick Scam Awareness Quiz for Older Adults

This quiz is a valuable tool for older adults seeking to improve their awareness and defense against fraud and scams!
Financial Planning

Top Easy-to-Use Budget Apps for Older Adults

Discover the top budget apps designed for older adults, focusing on user-friendly features that make managing finances straightforward and effective.

Top Fact-Checking Websites for Informed Voting

Explore the vital role of fact-checking websites and tools in discerning fact from fiction, and learn how they can empower you to navigate the digital world more effectively.

8 Ways to Stay Politically Engaged and Informed

Explore practical tips for older adults to stay politically engaged and informed, ensuring their voices are heard and contributing to society in meaningful ways.

Navigating the News: How to Distinguish Fact from Fiction on Social Media

Learn essential strategies for older adults to spot fake news on social media, ensuring access to accurate and trustworthy information.

Mimicry and Money: The Rise of AI Voice Scams and Defense Strategies

Explore essential insights on AI voice scams, their mechanisms, impact, and protective measures to safeguard against this evolving cyber threat.

How to Spot an Online Shopping Scam: 8 Warning Indicators

Discover strategies to safeguard your online shopping experiences, from recognizing too-good-to-be-true deals to verifying retailer legitimacy and choosing secure payment methods.

Love or Lies? How to Protect Yourself Against Romance Scams

Explore tips for recognizing and avoiding online romance scams, offering insights to navigate the digital dating world safely and protect your heart and finances.