Key Takeaways:

  • Studies have shown that friendships can help older adults live longer and have a better quality of life.
  • Friendships can reduce the risk of dementia, boost memory, reduce stress and pain, and lead to a healthier lifestyle.
  • Working friendships provide an opportunity to stay active, make new friends, and reduce feelings of loneliness and depression.

s we age, it's easy to feel isolated and disconnected from the world. But social connections are vital to our health and well-being— especially when we hit retirement age.

Many people find themselves in a situation where they are working past retirement age.

Not only does this provide the opportunity to stay active, but it also gives you the opportunity to make new friends. This is why working friendships for older adults can keep you healthy and living longer.

Studies have shown that friendships can help older adults live longer.

Studies have shown that friendships can help older adults live longer, with social life being just as important for seniors as exercise, dieting, and not smoking.

People with friendships tend to have a far better quality of life than people without them in old age. They're less depressed and less likely to suffer from memory loss or dementia or suffer from stress or pain conditions like arthritis or cancer.

People with friendships are more likely to have healthier lifestyles, better mental health, and a longer life expectancy.

In fact, the relationships you develop in your 50s and 60s are some of the most important relationships for your long-term happiness and well-being as an older person. There are many benefits to staying in the workforce after retirement age - work friendships being one of the most important ones!

Older adults who have strong social ties are more likely to live longer than their peers with fewer friends.

A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health found that people who had a few close friends or family members were healthier and lived longer than those without such community support.

In addition to the benefits of having healthy friendships, it’s important for seniors to be aware that socializing allows them to network with other people in the same age group. This can help them find job opportunities, make new friends, or even meet potential caretakers if they end up needing home health services.

Friendships can reduce the risk of dementia.

Having friends can help you stay healthy, active, and happy in old age.

A study by the University of California found that people who have a friend to confide in are less likely to develop dementia later on in life than those who have no one they can open up to.

The researchers also discovered that friendship groups can help you feel less lonely, which is another risk factor for poor mental health, as well as helping with physical activity and emotional support too.

Work friendships can also keep you healthier by reducing stress and pain.

Stress often leads to depression, which is a risk factor for heart disease. A study done by the University of Copenhagen found that people with strong social relationships were less likely to develop heart disease than those who had weaker social ties.

Friendships can boost your memory by stimulating your brain and keeping it active.

People with a large social circle and connected friends have a better memory than those who are more isolated. This is because people with close relationships have higher levels of cognitive functioning, which contributes to their ability to remember things.

As we age, our ability to remember things can decline due to the onset of dementia or other physical changes in the brain. People who have a higher level of cognitive functioning are less likely to develop dementia compared to those with lower levels.

People with large social circles live longer than people who are more isolated.

When it comes to your health, being socially isolated is a major risk factor for mortality. In fact, loneliness itself is a risk factor for mortality.

‍So how does this all relate to working friendships?

It turns out that people with large social networks live longer than those who are more isolated. It's not just a matter of having someone around when you feel lonely; even if they're not there physically, the benefit of belonging to a larger community can help make us healthier and happier in our later years.

And while these benefits might seem like they only apply to older adults (who may have trouble getting out every day), younger generations can also reap many of these same rewards by building their own work-based relationships!

Working friendships keep you busy and you will do more by having friends.

When you have friends to fill your time, you will most likely be more productive. Having a task can help with depression and loneliness, which are two things that occur when older adults are living alone.

Working friendships also give us an excuse to get out of the house and go see people who live close by or far away!

If you don’t have any friends around (or don't want them), then working relationships can help keep your social life alive while still giving you something to do outside of working at home or taking care of chores around the house.

Aug 30, 2022
Business & Jobs