Key Takeaways:

Challenges for the Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging

  1. Combating social isolation
  2. Distance, access & diversity
  3. Creating equity in aging

Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging's Innovative Solution

Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging partnered with GetSetUp to engage older adult residents through classes on various topics. Programming is available from anywhere via smartphones, tablets, or computers. For those seeking to bridge the digital divide there are a variety of device training classes and programming on how to safely and effectively use the internet.

All older adults were provided with a safe and empowering virtual community to learn and practice technology skills. Plus, they have access to classes to learn about health and wellness, fitness, explore their hobbies, and much more.

Key Questions

  1. How do local communities combat social isolation in older adults by creating a community to foster mental and physical well-being?
  2. How can aging services provide equity for diverse communities with varying levels of digital connectivity?
  3. How do aging services create equity in aging by helping older adults overcome fears of technology and bridge the gap in access to devices?


Read the full case study to understand the solutions, hear from empowered learners, understand the benefits, and more! 

"The Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging is thrilled to bring this online social engagement platform to Vermont’s older adults, and at no cost to them. As the pandemic has revealed, older adults want more opportunities to socialize, learn, and improve their health and well-being online. Our partnership with GetSetUp will provide this opportunity to Vermont’s older adults.” - Mary Hayden, Executive Director, Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging.
Apr 4, 2023
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