Key Takeaways:

  • 🌐 The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is helping seniors and low-income households stay connected by offering discounts on internet services and devices.
  • 💻 Eligibility for the ACP is based on factors like household income, government assistance program participation, or Lifeline program enrollment.
  • 📝 Seniors can easily apply online, explore eligible service providers, and must remember to recertify annually to continue enjoying the ACP's valuable benefits.

hat is the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)?

The Affordable Connectivity Program, or ACP, is a government benefit program that aims to bridge the digital divide by making internet services and connected devices more accessible to those in need. Seniors, in particular, can greatly benefit from this program, as it provides valuable assistance in two key areas:

Affordable Internet Services:

  1. With the ACP, eligible households can receive up to $30 per month off their internet services, whether they are existing subscriptions or new connections.
  2. For seniors living on Tribal lands, the program offers even greater support, providing up to $75 per month off internet services.

Device Discounts:

  1. In addition to internet service discounts, the ACP offers a $100 discount on devices such as laptops, tablets, or desktop computers. This makes it easier for seniors to access the online world and stay connected with loved ones.

Who is Eligible for the ACP?

The ACP is designed to assist low-income households, and seniors often fall into this category. To be eligible for the program, you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Your household income should be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. You can check the income table on the ACP website for specific details.
  • Participation in a government assistance program also qualifies you for the ACP.
  • If you are already a recipient of the Lifeline program, you are automatically eligible for the ACP.
  • Test your eligibility using the USAC widget

To determine your eligibility with precision, you can use the USAC widget available on the ACP website. If, unfortunately, you are not eligible for the ACP, you can explore low-cost internet options through organizations like EveryoneOn.

How to Apply for the ACP:

Applying for the Affordable Connectivity Program is a straightforward process, and there are multiple options available:

  1. Online Application: The easiest way to apply is online through the official ACP website ( This method allows for a quick and convenient submission of your application.
  2. Mail Application: If you prefer a paper application, you can print the ACP application in either English or Spanish and mail it to the USAC ACP Support Center at P.O. Box 7081, London, KY 40742.
  3. Check Eligible Providers: The ACP works with a range of participating internet service providers. To find out which providers are available in your area, you can check the entire   Participating Provider List on the ACP website.

Recertifying for ACP Annually:

It's important to note that ACP eligibility must be recertified annually to continue receiving benefits. To ensure a seamless continuation of your ACP support, here are the steps to recertify:

  1. Read the Recertification Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the ACP recertification process by reviewing the guidelines available on the ACP website.
  2. Call the Support Center: You can call (877) 384-2470, enter your application ID number (provided in your letter), and follow the prompts to recertify over the phone.
  3. Online Recertification: Log in to your ACP account on the program's website to complete the recertification form online.
  4. Mail Recertification Form: Alternatively, you can complete and print the ACP recertification form and mail it to the ACP Support Center at P.O. Box 7081, London, KY 40742.
Sep 10, 2023