Key Takeaways:

The Challenge for Agency on Aging Area 4

  1. Combating social isolation
  2. Distance, access & diversity
  3. Creating equity in aging

Key Questions

  1. How do local areas combat social isolation in older adults by creating a community to foster mental and physical well-being?
  2. How can aging services provide equity for diverse communities with varying levels of access to connectivity?
  3. How do aging services create equity in aging by overcoming a fear of technology and bridging the gap in access to devices?

Agency on Aging Area 4's Innovative Solution

Agency on Aging Area 4 partnered with GetSetUp to activate older adult residents and members on their smartphones, tablet, or computer through classes on device training and how to safely and effectively use the internet.

All older adults were provided with a safe and empowering virtual community to learn and practice technology skills. Plus they had access to classes to learn about health and wellness, fitness, explore their hobbies, and much more.


  • Reduced social isolation through education
  • Expanded connection with friends, family, and the community
  • Increased knowledge to improve mental & physical wellness
  • Improved older adults’ ability to live independently

Agency on Aging Area 4 sent a survey out to potential participants in their program

  • 82% of the people who responded are using GetSetUp currently
  • 100% of the respondents who were using GetSetUp are enjoying it
  • 75% said that using GetSetUp helped to reduce any feelings they had of loneliness or isolation

Nancy Vasquez, the Direct Services Administrator of AAA4

“Working with GetSetUp has been really positive. . . The team was really great at helping us figure out how to use their services and identifying what we would need."
"We struggled to make connections with older adults who were isolated in their homes with COVID. [GetSetUp] was a good chance to reach those that had the tech. For many, GetSetUp was an opportunity for them to be less depressed and isolated.”

Claire Klingler, the Health Promotion Coordinator of AAA4

“The main thing GetSetUp offers that we struggle to offer is the technical assistance portion. I'm the tech person and it can be difficult. Sometimes someone is on a phone trying to join through Zoom and can’t connect their camera. It can be difficult providing assistance virtually and it’s frustrating for the person trying to participate. GetSetUp has the people that are specialized in this.”
Sep 14, 2022

Classes by:

Liz Miller

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