Philip Castagnet

Financial Planning

Think Twice: 5 Financial Scams Targeting Older Adults

In the United States, adults over the age of 65 are more likely than any other demographic to be victimized by fraud.

Medicare Advantage programs are increasing benefits - learning could be a future crucial addition

Healthcare providers like Medicare are seeking to find ways to address wellbeing needs through socialization and learning since clear health advantages are shown for...
Financial Planning

Earn Money from Your Hobbies in Retirement

If you’re looking for ways to earn money from your hobbies in retirement, check out our list of ideas.
Financial Planning

What Cryptocurrency Is and How It Works

Cryptocurrencies are a new way to transfer value, and they're becoming more common all the time.
Financial Planning

Navigating a Financial Windfall

When it comes to managing a financial windfall, focus on your goals and hire professionals to help you create a plan for achieving them.
Cooking & Nutrition

What Is the SNAP Restaurant Meals Program?

The Restaurant Meals Program makes it easier for older adults to get the food they need.
Financial Planning

Browser Extensions That Save You Money When You Shop Online, No Effort Required

With a browser extension, you can actually save money instantly while online shopping!