

How to Start Your First Home Garden

Gardening is no longer just for people with a backyard. There's a whole world of houseplants that can make your home a lot more beautiful and also help you relax.

Tips for Gardening in Small Spaces

Container gardening is a great way to make the most out of your small space and is especially perfect for those who live in an apartment or home that doesn't have any outdoor space.

Find Meaning Through Planting A Garden

Gardening can help you find meaning in your life, a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and a sense of belonging.

Declutter Your Kitchen: Toss These Items Out Now!

Cleaning out your kitchen is a great way to get organized and feel more at ease in your home.

Prepare Your Skin for Colder Weather and Decrease the Impact of Aging

You're out in the cold and you're feeling the effects of dry air. You might feel like that's just a temporary inconvenience, but it can also have an effect on your skin long-term if you don't take prepare it.

Why Roommates Are a Part of the New Retirement Plan

If you're in your 60s or 70s, you might be thinking about finding a roommate to help with the cost of living. Maybe you just want someone around to keep an eye on things, or maybe you need help with daily chores. Whatever the reason, we can help!

Take the Stress Out of Retirement

Retirement doesn't have to be stressful. Focus on what's fun about it!

5 Simple Things You Can Do for 'National Do Something Nice Day'

The best way to make the world a better place is by being kind, so let’s all do our part!

Boost Your Mood and Celebrate World Smile Day!

Celebrate World Smile Day and send a smile to someone who needs it most!

Finding Your Purpose After Age 55

Your life purpose is a journey, not a destination.