April 5, 2024

Stay Safe Online: A Quick Scam Awareness Quiz for Older Adults

Stay Safe Online: A Quick Scam Awareness Quiz for Older Adults
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mprove your vigilance against frauds and scams targeting older adults. This quiz is designed to test and improve your knowledge on how to recognize and avoid common scams. Each question offers a scenario or question with multiple-choice answers. Choose the option you believe is correct based on your understanding of safe practices.


  • Read each question carefully.
  • Select the answer that you think is correct.
  • Don't worry about getting answers wrong; this is a learning opportunity!
  • At the end of the quiz, we'll provide the correct answers and explain why they're right, so you can understand and learn more about each topic.

Let's begin!

1. What is the most secure way to handle unsolicited requests for personal information over the phone?

A. Provide the information if the caller claims to be from a known organization.
B. Ask for their number to call them back after verifying the organization's legitimacy.
C. Politely decline to provide any information and hang up.
D. Tell them you will email the information instead.

2. You receive an email from your bank asking you to update your personal information through a link. What should you do?

A. Click the link and update the information as requested.
B. Call your bank using the official number from their website to verify the request.
C. Reply to the email with the information they are asking for.
D. Forward the email to your friends and family to ask for advice.

3. Which of the following is a common sign of a scam email?

A. The email is addressed to you by name.
B. The sender’s email address matches the official organization's email address exactly.
C. The email contains typos, grammatical errors, and an urgent tone asking for immediate action.
D. The email politely asks for your feedback on their services.

4. What is the safest way to create and manage your passwords?

A. Use the same password for all accounts for easy recall.
B. Share your passwords with a trusted family member in case you forget them.
C. Use complex passwords and manage them with a reputable password manager.
D. Write down your passwords in a notebook kept near your computer.

5. You see a great deal on an online shopping site that seems too good to be true. What's the best approach?

A. Purchase immediately to take advantage of the offer before it expires.
B. Research the website to ensure it's reputable and look for reviews from other customers.
C. Share the deal on social media to see if friends have used the site.
D. Contact the website via email to ask if the deal is real.

6. How can you stay informed about the latest scams and fraud tactics?

A. Regularly check your email spam folder for any scam attempts.
B. Follow news from reliable sources and subscribe to alerts from consumer protection agencies.
C. Assume you can recognize a scam and don’t need to stay updated.
D. Ask friends and family about any scams they know of during gatherings.

Answer Key

1. C. The safest option is to politely decline any unsolicited requests for personal information over the phone. Scammers often pose as representatives of legitimate organizations.

2. B. Always verify any such requests by calling the official number of your bank found on their website, not through links or phone numbers provided in the email.

3. C. Scam emails often contain typos, grammatical errors, and create a sense of urgency to trick you into acting hastily.

4. C. Using a reputable password manager helps create strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts and stores them securely.

5. B. Before making any purchases, especially deals that seem too good to be true, research the website for credibility and customer reviews.

6. B. Staying informed through reliable news sources and official alerts from consumer protection agencies is the best way to keep abreast of new and evolving scams.

Remember, being cautious and informed is your best defense against scams and fraud!

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