Meet Audrey a GetSetup Ambassador turning the pandemic into a blessing

Meet Audrey a GetSetup Ambassador turning the pandemic into a blessing
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The youngest daughter in a family of seven with just one boy, Audrey Jones is used to being active. That's no surprise since she retired in 2018 after over 30 years of teaching Pre-K through 6th grade. She holds a Master's in Educational Administration and is a proud Houstonian. This Texan native hasn’t stopped being active in retirement; instead, she’s just refocused her priorities. She continues to be active in her church, especially with the Prayer Conferences, even though she can't be there physically. Before the pandemic, she worked out with a YMCA personal trainer and is constantly pursuing new knowledge.

“Even though we are going through the pandemic, it has turned out to be a blessing for me. Not that I am not considerate of those struggling, but this time alone has given me time to evaluate what’s most important to me.”

Audrey has always been a giver. Working in a career focused on giving back to others as a teacher, it is no surprise that for the past 30+ years, she hasn’t had much time alone. In addition to her work as a teacher, she was a caregiver for many years to her husband, a US military veteran, stroke victim, and amputee, until his passing three years ago. She creatively brought the outside into their home so he never felt deprived, with the help of her son, Elbert Jr., by organizing family indoor basketball games or theater performances. Due to his illnesses, his passing wasn’t as much of a shock as when her mother unexpectedly passed away the same year she retired. She had planned to travel with her mother as a thank-you for all the hard work her mother had done raising her and her siblings. Not getting that opportunity was a huge wake-up call to focus on accomplishing her goals now.

“These classes have been so beneficial. Now I’m taking the time to evaluate what is most important. It’s time to put Audrey first because if I don’t take care of Audrey, I can’t take care of others around me. These classes have allowed me to expand and grow by managing my time wisely.”

Logging into GetSetUp for the First Time

When Audrey initially entered the GetSetUp site, she found it a bit intimidating since she wasn’t a Zoom expert and felt she didn’t have full control.

“I didn’t know what I was walking into.”

However, she soon learned that the other participants came from diverse backgrounds and levels of knowledge. Each person respected what others brought to the class. As a naturally lively person, she found it intimidating to be with classmates who weren’t as lively or used to being online. However, once everyone got used to it, she realized everyone had time to ask their questions, the teacher was willing to hear their side, and the group came together like a big salad bowl, according to Audrey, she’s not an easy learner to please.

“When people would come to my classroom, they knew that I was going to lay out the ‘whole enchilada.’ So when I get into other people’s classrooms, that’s what I expect. And so far, the GetSetUp classes haven’t disappointed. They are great at getting us engaged to use what we have. You can’t go to a university and get what GetSetUp is giving now. Many classes are free, and GetSetUp is giving me the knowledge, and I can pass on the knowledge. That way we can all stay at the same level and even expand.”

Staying Active and Engaged Through Classes

Audrey likes exploring topics and opening her mind to different ideas. She has taken nine classes and plans to come back for more—from how to use Google tools to organizing her time to how to record and post videos to surprise and impress her niece, who knows a lot about technology. She’s also taking the build-your-own-website class to learn more about creating a site, as she has considered starting a nonprofit to encourage widows with words of encouragement.

Audrey’s participation in the GetSetUp community doesn’t stop there. She has also participated in GetSetUp’s Social Hours, which are discussion-based sessions where all participants share ideas around a topic of shared interests.

“I love them. They give people a chance to expand, and we learn from each other. This allows us to see many ways to get to the same destination.”

GetSetUp is a community for passionate lifelong learners who come to share their knowledge, add to it, and learn from others. Audrey is just one of our many amazing adult learners with great insights to share.

“Everyone has a story, and you don’t know what created that wrinkle or pimple on their face. I had always felt like I didn’t fit in because I loved learning, but it is because of amazing grace and the goodness of learning that I’m still the young girl at 57 that I am!”

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