Take charge and spread positivity

Take charge and spread positivity
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Neeta C.

Neeta is a semi-retired history professor. She taught at a girl’s college for 37 years. Now, she’s a guest lecturer in various colleges and universities. She describes her experience with GetSetUp. 

How did you find out about GetSetUp?

I learned about GetSetUp from my sister. My first class was with Anitaji. Then I took a class about sarees with Binda. After that, I never looked back - I've attended 1,617 classes overall. 

What’s your experience been like with GetSetUp?

My recent retirement and my husband’s death left me lonely. But GetSetUp has helped me feel connected. I love the dance classes! They’ve helped me feel more confident. My family says I’ve improved a lot. 

For a long time, I was trying to find a suitable match for my daughter. The stress eventually led to depression. I’m grateful to Divya who helped me get out of it. In Anu Mehta’s class, we have cried, laughed, and learned together on the GetSetUp platform. I have made so many friends. 

What have you learned?

Before joining GetSetUp, I was overconfident. I used to flaunt that I knew everything, but now I have realized there are people who know things I don’t. GetSetUp has helped me to appreciate the differences in people. It’s also helped me improve my creative thinking. 

What have you been able to accomplish thanks to a GetSetUp class?

I have helped my other friends, by telling them things I’ve learned from our Guides. And, they have benefitted. So thank you to GetSetUp for making me a bridge to help others. 

What is your favorite class and why? 

Sunita's singing class is my favorite. I love Anita’s strictness because it helps us to improve and finish things on time. I also love Veenaji’s chaupal. My current favorite is Guzra Hua Zamana, by Binda. 

What classes are you excited about trying in 2022? 

Cooking Classes, painting classes, home decor - there is way too much to learn from GetSetUp.

What’s one piece of advice for the younger generation?

Love your parents, enjoy your life, and be independent. Earn your money. Money isn’t everything, but it’s one of the most important things. Live your life happily. Problems will arise, But be content and happy in whatever you have. 

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