Social Connectedness
December 7, 2022

Michelle is moving past fear to find friendships and her inner power

Michelle is moving past fear to find friendships and her inner power
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Michelle is a Washington state resident who currently works as a senior data analyst for hospitals. She virtually supports six locations in assuring their supplies lists are up to date for surgeries through her work. She’s been working in a hospital for over 25 years. While she claims to be a number and logic-focused thinker, she loves exploring her creative side. She was working to overcome a difficult period in her life in 2021 when she found GetSetUp courtesy of the Washington State Dept. of Social and Health Services.

Discovering GetSetUp

Her first class was Guide Michael’s class on energy and purpose. During the class, Michelle remembers being told she had the potential to teach.

“I started to let that idea of teaching roll around in my mind like a marble.”

In an effort to consider the possibilities, she began taking some of GetSetUp’s job skills classes.

“Scott taught me how to look good on Zoom. Then Kevin reviewed my PowerPoint presentations and taught me how to improve them.”

Michelle decided to put together a class on energy and healing, as she had been on that journey herself for the past months after she was attacked. In March 2021, Michelle had gone outside during her lunch hour and was attacked by two dogs. The experience traumatized her and left her afraid to go outside. She sought help through a variety of methods like prana breathing exercises. Nevertheless, her confidence was still low when she found GetSetUp and signed up to lead a class.

Support and Growth Through Teaching

“When I was first putting together the energy class I had written to Molly and I said I just can’t. She said ‘well you have students signed up so let’s move forward as we still have some time to prepare, so you feel confident.’ I’m kind of a perfectionist and I want to put my best foot forward, so knowing that I had support really helped.”

Michelle started teaching Awakening the Healer Within: Energy Is All There Is. She gained insights into great classes by watching other Community Hosts and Guides teach on Zoom.

“This gave me what I was seeking at the time. I needed to move through this veil of fear I had and this was a great way to walk through that curtain. I didn’t have to be physically in front of people, I had a video between us.”

Plus, Michelle realized that the community was extremely supportive. People were there to answer her questions, classes helped her learn new skills, and she had support for each session, so she always had someone to turn to.

“People were coming to my classes and saying how impactful classes were. They saw what I couldn’t see in myself. It gave me worth again. GetSetUp gave me the confidence to move forward when I was stuck in my life. It gave me grounding and helped me see I still had self-worth.”

Building New Skills and Friendships

Michelle continues to strive to improve her classes by upskilling. She watches how different people lead their classes and learns from them.

“The classes I took to prepare for the class, the feedback and seeing other people in the classes have helped me to move forward. I see others accomplishing their goals and moving forward too. This gives me more confidence in my own job and my own life. I was just a wreck before and couldn’t make decisions or think straight.”

Michelle enjoyed teaching her energy class so much she volunteered to do another class on chakras.

“It was perfect timing. All these doors opened and I was kicking my sugar addiction and lost 40 pounds. I could finally think clearly. Plus, Guide Michael has taken me under his wing and encourages me saying ‘you have greater potential.’”

With the support of the GetSetUp Guides and community members, Michelle has regained her confidence and is thriving.

“Now I’m all confident in a Zoom class, teaching, and everything. I’m very genuine and authentic with about 16 regular learners per week in my classes. Plus, I can’t believe the new friends I have made across the world through teaching and taking classes.”

A Thriving Community and Renewed Purpose

Michelle first heard about GetSetUp from Guide Kris who also is a Washington resident. Kris thought GetSetUp would be a community that Michelle would enjoy.

“I was looking for my tribe and I found that in GetSetUp. People in groups are respectful to one another even when they have different opinions. There are lots of people from different countries like India and Australia. It’s cool cause you get to see into their house and how they live in their little square on Zoom. You learn how they think and feel from their experience and meeting all these great people from around the world has been amazing.”

While these friendships may be with people worldwide, they are growing and thriving. The friends share social media profiles, tips, books, and so much more!

“GetSetUp is making a difference in my life through friendships. I’m friends on Facebook with some learners in my class. Last class one person said they found a book and they wanted to send it to me because they thought I’d like it. That just made me feel so special!”

Learning also helps to keep the brain active and in shape as a person ages. Michelle believes she’s much more mentally prepared to take on a day now thanks to GetSetUp.

Previously, Michelle attended some Meetup events once or twice a month to find like-minded people. They weren't very regular, and you never knew who would go. Thanks to GetSetUp, she feels she has a stronger community that she meets with regularly.

“Now I have these people and classes with the same folks in them. We get to know each other and our lives on a regular basis.”

Feeling a part of a strong community has helped her mood and improved her motivation.

“The GetSetUp community shows you positive reinforcement not just with what people learn in my sessions - but also in myself.”

Seeing her classes come to fruition has helped her confidence to increase even more. And while she considers herself pretty tech-able she’s gotten to learn lots of new software on the way. The community, friendships, confidence, and renewed sense of purpose have helped Michelle to feel better mentally and physically. Overall, it has improved her happiness four times more than she thought possible.

“I thought I was happy before, but now I see a big difference.”