GetSetUp: Three Years of Empowering Lifelong Learning

GetSetUp: Three Years of Empowering Lifelong Learning
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GetSetUp, the online social learning platform for older adults, is celebrating its third anniversary! As we reflect on our journey, we are proud of what we’ve accomplished, what we’ve learned, and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

GetSetUp’s co-founders initially built the site for their parents and older loved ones, aiming to create a learning and discovery platform specifically for older adults. Over the past three years, we’ve gained deeper insights into the diverse aging demographic.

Older adults are seeking a variety of experiences—ones that are designed for them and by them. They want to continue learning, exploring, and building meaningful connections with others. At GetSetUp, we recognize the value of their experiences and knowledge, and we are dedicated to providing a platform where this vibrant community can continue to grow and thrive.

Expanding Opportunities for Lifelong Learning

Since our inception, GetSetUp has continuously expanded our offerings to meet the diverse needs of older adults. We’ve added a wide range of classes covering topics such as health and wellness, technology skills, cooking, travel, and the arts. For those looking to continue working or start their own businesses, we’ve introduced upskilling, reskilling, and entrepreneurship classes. We’ve also created specialized classes to address the unique needs of specific groups, such as veterans.

Our goal is to support and address the needs of all subgroups within the aging population, ensuring that everyone has access to valuable learning experiences that enhance their quality of life.

Impacting Aging Through Partnerships

As GetSetUp celebrates its third anniversary, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all our supporters, stakeholders, and partners. You have played a crucial role in helping us address the diverse needs of the aging population. Together, we have built a valuable platform that offers lifelong learning, socialization, and personal growth opportunities for older adults.

With the support of our partners, we’ve been able to expand our services, reach new communities, and make a positive impact on the lives of countless older adults. Your trust and collaboration have enabled us to deliver innovative programs and services to a more diverse community, creating equity in how aging resources are distributed.

We appreciate your commitment to our mission of empowering older adults to lead healthier, happier lives. Together, we look forward to continuing our journey of growth and impact, ensuring that every older adult has the opportunity to thrive.

Bring GetSetUp to your organization

We partner with Medicare Advantage plans, dual eligible plans,  healthcare providers, Departments of Health & Human Services, Government aging services and more.

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