From brick and mortar to cloud-based real estate: Diane uses GetSetUp to improve her technology skills and help seniors find homes

From brick and mortar to cloud-based real estate: Diane uses GetSetUp to improve her technology skills and help seniors find homes
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Diane first found out about GetSetUp through an email from her local Las Vegas YMCA. There, she is a part of the SilverSneakers group, and she was excited to see a platform customized for older adults.

“GetSetUp is a simple platform and I’ve been looking for this. I feel overwhelmed trying to get engaged with social media and catching up with all the different social media. I don’t want anyone following me! But after about 6 months or a year, I realized I have no choice. I have to get engaged. As my sons and grandsons like to say, ‘Get with the program or you’re going to be left behind.’”

Diane recently moved to the Las Vegas area from San Francisco. She wanted to be around new people and a different environment. Her first year she spent getting adjusted and the second year she was isolated due to the pandemic.

Moving from Brick and Mortar to Cloud-Based Real Estate

Diane has been selling real estate for many years, and recently she started working for iCloud Brokers.

“Everything is done with avatars and training is online. I’m trying to learn their platform and the basics, but the technology was stagnating me. I tried to go on YouTube and it’s so rapid that you have to stop the videos. It was frustrating.”

Then Diane found GetSetUp. She saw that it offered many classes in skills she was looking to improve like understanding Windows and Microsoft tools. She took 24 classes almost right away.

“In some ways, the pandemic has gotten us connected, and GetSetUp has been the best side of heaven.”

Diane keeps her notes handy to help her as she uses technology in her business. Her class list includes social media tools like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

“I sell real estate so my granddaughter has been helping me to brand myself and get involved on social media too.”

Diane knows there is a lot of behind-the-scenes in real estate, and this varies by state and county.

“I come from brick and mortar real estate where you go in and have coffee but in my company now the agent wasn’t making much profit and so he started iCloud with shareholders. It’s cool because people are all over so it is a great way to come out of the dinosaur way of doing things and stay engaged.”

Within real estate, Diane is focused on helping seniors find homes.

“People shouldn’t have to stress to have a place called home.”

Participating on GetSetUp in Various Ways

While Diane really enjoys classes, she doesn’t always keep her camera on as sometimes she’s just rolling out of bed and prefers to watch. The new GetSetUp TV makes that even easier to do at any time, even without having registered for classes. With over 175 classes to choose from and the ability to watch live and interact, or passively watch as an observer, Diane is telling all her friends about GetSetUp.

“It’s awesome and as simple as 1, 2, 3!”

Plus, one of Diane’s favorite features is that there are no advertisements to distract learners who are trying to pay attention.

“One of the things dealing with seniors is keeping their attention. Sometimes I was focused on YouTube, then I see an advertisement and now I’m sidetracked.”

Diane appreciates that GetSetUp offers her something productive to do and the great price of free she couldn’t believe. She’s still socially isolating despite having the vaccine, so she really thrives on class diversity.

“I took How To Approach Business Planning From Home with a Guide from Australia. Even at this age, I think I’m too old, but when I see other seniors engage with business, I think ‘I can do this.’”

The Guide made one point that impacted Diane - sometimes in creating a business you have ideas and you don’t share all of them with family and friends who may not be supportive. Having a community of entrepreneurs to bounce ideas off of instead can be helpful.

To add to this class, she also took How to Make Extra Income From Your Home. Diane found this class informative, as she has friends that don’t have it all together in retirement and still need supplemental income. This class showed some good options.

She keeps all of her notes from the over 24 classes that she’s already taken in a GetSetUp folder on her device. Some of her favorite classes include Zoom and Gmail. She thought she knew a lot about Gmail, but she learned how to send a confidential email that only the person she sent it to can open. She never knew that was possible.

“It’s nice to learn how to protect yourself over the internet.”

Diane has been expanding her skills one skill at a time, and not shying away from a challenge. Our interview was her first Zoom one-on-one meeting. So she had a chance to test what she had learned. She’s looking to enhance her Zoom skills even further to host a party with her sister in San Francisco.

Join Diane in GetSetUp classes and see what new skills you can learn!