Discover how Shyla, a retiree, improved her health and well-being with GetSetUp’s cooking, exercise, and tech classes, leading to a fulfilling, active lifestyle.
Thanks to the partnership with NYSOFA and GetSetUp, GetSetUp has transformed the lives of almost 400,000 older adults in New York, reducing social isolation and enhancing digital literacy through over half a million class attendances in three years.
Laura’s journey with GetSetUp transformed her retirement with learning, creativity, and community, thanks to NJ Division for Aging's partnership.
GetSetUp supports the Arch Rivals, a Missouri volleyball team, helping them compete and inspire others to maintain an active lifestyle.
In anticipation of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15), the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) highlights resources to help the public identify and report abuse, including scams and other fraud tactics targeting older adults.
Ron has embraced digital literacy, physical wellness, and security in his retirement, thanks to GetSetUp.
From Columbus to the world, GetSetUp’s classes transformed Ann's retirement with new skills, passions, and community, thanks to Aetna benefits.
Lindsay benefits greatly from GetSetUp through personal growth, community connection, and newfound creative passions.
GetSetUp sessions offer non-partisan educational resources for issues that impact older adults.
GetSetUp transformed Carol's life by providing a supportive community that keeps her connected, helps her learn new skills, and boosts well-being.
Sandra Hendee, a 66-year-old retiree, illustrates the transformative power of GetSetUp.
Discover how Phil, a retired insurance claims adjuster, shares his passion for architecture and helps others stay safe from scams through GetSetUp.