Katherine's Artistic Journey with GetSetUp

Katherine's Artistic Journey with GetSetUp
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Katherine, a 72-year-old from a seaside community in Rhode Island, has experienced a major transformation in her life, thanks to GetSetUp. After undergoing hip surgery at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Katherine found herself unable to be as active as she once was. Pre-surgery, she regularly attended yoga classes, participated in SilverSneakers, and led an active lifestyle. The combination of the pandemic and her surgery significantly altered her daily routine, leading to increased isolation.

In her search for support, Katherine joined the Village Common of Rhode Island, a group providing assistance with medical appointments and other services. Through this group, she received an email introducing her to GetSetUp, an online platform designed for older adults. This platform was available to her for free as a Rhode Island resident, thanks to a partnership with the Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging.

Staying Active at Home

Katherine, an avid adventurer, traveler, former teacher, and social worker who served in the Peace Corps in Brazil, was eager to explore something new. Unable to visit her husband's family in Brazil due to her surgery, she turned to GetSetUp to stay engaged and active during her recovery.

"I can’t say enough about GetSetUp. For me, it was like a miracle, it really, really was," she says.

The platform offered a wide range of activities, from art and writing to Tai Chi, helping her rejuvenate her dormant passions.

“So every day when I started the day, it was full of things to do. Almost every hour on the hour I was trying something new,” Katherine shares.

Her home is now adorned with drawings from GetSetUp art classes, and she has a folder full of artwork, including a collage of gratefulness featuring a blooming tree with positive words. Katherine's favorite activities are the art classes, which she says have regenerated much of her dormant self. She has reordered art supplies to keep up with her classes in quilling, drawing, collaging, and more.

Another significant benefit of GetSetUp for Katherine is the sense of community the platform fosters. She has enjoyed sessions led by guides like Cheryl, Kristine, and Rebecca, feeling welcomed into groups that have been together for almost two years.

“The classes feel really community-like. There are people from all over with mutual similar interests,” Katherine says.

The platform has allowed her to connect with individuals nationwide, some of whom have even met in person.

When her husband was in Brazil, Katherine faced fears of managing alone for the first time in her life. The classes provided her with daily connections, allowing her to be vulnerable and share her struggles. GetSetUp has provided her with a creative outlet in a positive environment, where she felt inspired to share her physical health concerns for the first time, receiving support from the community.

Katherine has also enjoyed Tai Chi classes with Ty and quilling classes with Deana, finding true inspiration in guide-led art classes with Sue and Pam. She has shared her art in community sessions and looks forward to trying meditation classes.

Katherine's positive experience with GetSetUp has been life-changing, prompting her to encourage her husband and friends to join the platform. Her husband has enjoyed classes, including a bread-making session, which he applied to bake a fresh loaf of bread.

Through the platform, Katherine has rediscovered her love of art, found a supportive community of like-minded individuals, and had the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities.

As she says, "I can't say enough about GetSetUp. I give it a score of 100%. I brag about it. I think it’s a perfect fit.”

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