Jennifer Kimball


Creating a More Accessible Garden

Learn practical tips and suggestions to overcome physical challenges in gardening to enhance your gardening experience!
Cooking & Nutrition

Top Antioxidant-Rich Foods for Longevity

Discover the top antioxidant-rich foods that can help you fight off diseases, promote healthy aging, and boost longevity.

Home Modifications Ideas for Aging in Place

Learn tips and ideas for essential home modifications that seniors can make to age in place comfortably and safely.

Creative Crafting on a Budget: Using Recycled Materials

Crafting with recycled materials is a great way to express creativity while also making a positive impact on the environment.

How to Find a Reliable Pet Sitter while You Travel

Tips for finding the best pet sitter when you travel.

The Unseen Cost of Family Caregiving

60 percent of the caregivers say the role of caring for a loved one is having a negative effect on their own health.

10 Essential Do's and Don'ts of Gardening

As the spring season approaches, use these gardening tips to create a beautiful and thriving garden.

Staying Creative as You Age

Creativity knows no bounds, and there's no age limit when it comes to imagination.