Key Takeaways:

  • Sleep on the left side for better digestion.
  • Sleep on the right side for blood pressure regulation.
  • Sleep on your back for your spine and back pain.

leeping positions are an important part of your overall health. While we spend about one-third of our lives sleeping, it's not always easy to know which positions are best for your body.

To help you understand the benefits of different sleep positions and how they affect digestion, blood pressure regulation, and more, this article will look at each common sleeping position in detail.

Sleeping on the left side of your body may be best for digestion.

Research suggests that sleeping on your left side may be best for digestion, as it allows food to pass through your intestines more easily.

Sleeping on the left side can help with digestion, indigestion, and heartburn. If you have any stomach problems or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), sleeping on your left side might help make it easier to digest food and relieve symptoms.

There are also studies showing that sleeping on your left side can increase the risk of acid reflux and heartburn because it causes a change in the way fluids move through your body while you're resting.

Sleeping on the right side of your body is good for blood pressure regulation.

In this sleeping position, sleepers may feel less pressure on their heart. Their blood pressure and heart rate will also be more stable than if they slept on the left side.

The right side position also allows for easier breathing, as it opens up your airways. Sleeping in this position also helps you breathe better throughout the night, which means you'll get more restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Sleep on your back for back pain.

Sleeping on your back is the best position for your spine. When you sleep on your side, it causes the spine to curve in a way that puts pressure on the discs between each vertebrae. This can lead to lower back pain, which is why sleeping on your side can cause aches and pains in the morning.

When you sleep on your back, you allow gravity to pull your spine straight down into a line and keep the discs in their natural position. The only problem with this is that it can be tough to fall asleep that way! Some people find it easier to get comfortable if they use a pillow under their knees or another pillow behind their head.

Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended for people with neck or back issues.

Avoid sleeping on your stomach if you have neck or back issues because it can cause further problems down the road. Studies show that sleeping on your stomach puts pressure on the muscles of the spine and can increase risk of developing spinal stenosis by up to 70%.

Putting a pillow between your legs can help reduce back and joint pain.

If you're waking up with back or joint pain, it might be time to look at your sleeping position. A pillow between your legs can help reduce the strain on your back and joints, so try putting a pillow between your legs when you sleep.

Now that you know which sleeping positions are best for your health, it’s time to put them into practice.

Try out the different tips and techniques we’ve discussed today, and see how they work for you! If nothing else, remember that the most important thing is to get enough sleep every night—and if that means changing up your pillow or mattress position a few times before finding the perfect spot for restful slumber, then so be it!

Want more tips for sleeping better? Watch our class: Sleep Hygiene Basics to Improve Sleep.

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Nov 4, 2022