Key Takeaways:

  1. Introduction to January 2024 Campaigns, each designed to start your year with motivation and growth.
  2. Detailed insights into four unique initiatives: Fitness Fresh Start, Ignite Creativity, Dollars & Sense: Financial ABCs, and Discover & Thrive.
  3. An invitation to engage in diverse, enriching experiences that cater to your well-being, creativity, financial savviness, and civic awareness.

January 2024 marks the beginning of a year full of potential and possibilities with GetSetUp. We're excited to present the first series in our four specially curated campaigns of our year of Pathways to Possibilities, each series is designed to inspire and empower you in various aspects of life. Whether your goal is to boost your fitness, unleash your creativity, sharpen your financial acumen, or engage in community matters, we have something for everyone this January.

Ageless Fitness: Fitness Fresh Start

Our "Fitness Fresh Start" series in the Ageless Fitness campaign is your gateway to a healthier you. Tailored for individuals of all fitness levels, these classes are perfect for those embarking on a fitness journey or looking to maintain their physical activity. From low-impact exercises to energizing workouts, our sessions are crafted to keep you motivated, active, and inspired. Embrace this new year with a commitment to your health and wellness.

Creativity for Wellness: Ignite Creativity

The "Ignite Creativity" series offers you a canvas to express and explore your artistic side utilizing Creativity for Wellness. Whether you're new to the arts or revisiting a past hobby, these sessions cover a broad spectrum of creative activities, including painting, drawing, music, and crafts. Discover hidden talents, find artistic inspiration, and embark on a journey of creative exploration that promises to ignite your curiosity and unleash your inner artist.

FinanceWise: Dollars & Sense: Financial ABCs

"Dollars & Sense: Financial ABCs" is your key to unlocking the secrets of smart money management so you can stay FinanceWise. These classes are a treasure trove of financial wisdom, covering everything from effective budgeting techniques to outsmarting scams and boosting savings. Elevate your financial literacy and take control of your economic future with these insightful and empowering sessions.

Civic Pathways: Discover & Thrive

The "Discover & Thrive" series is centered on enhancing your understanding of public programs, voting issues, and the importance of civic engagement through various Civic Pathways. These sessions will guide you in discovering how to utilize community resources, understand the voting process, and effectively share your voice to impact meaningful change. This is your chance to contribute, learn, and grow as an integral part of a vibrant civic ecosystem.

January 2024 is just the beginning of what promises to be an enriching year with GetSetUp. We invite you to join us in these transformative campaigns and start your year with a commitment to personal growth and community engagement. Let's make this year one of learning, discovery, and achievement.

Visit GetSetUp to explore these January campaigns and kickstart your transformative journey today.

Dec 20, 2023
Monthly Campaigns

Classes by:

Liz Miller

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