Key Takeaways:

It’s customary to give thanks today and focus on gratitude. At GetSetUp, we’re grateful for each of you - our Learners and Guides who make up this community.

It’s customary to give thanks and focus on gratitude today. At GetSetUp, we’re grateful for each of you - our Learners, Guides, Ambassadors, and others who make up this thriving community. You inspire us, and we learn from you every day. In short, you’re the reason we’re here.

As a sign of our gratitude we have some exciting Thanksgiving day classes to get you into the holiday spirit of thankfulness.

Journaling For Mindfulness

A daily practice of mindful journaling improves health, wellness, and productivity. In this special Thanksgiving-themed session, we'll explore what we are thankful for. Plus Guide Kristine K. will teach you how writing down your thoughts each day can help with relaxation. 

Count Your Blessings

Keep an attitude of gratitude this Thanksgiving in this class all about positivity and goodness. Join Guide Cyndi M. and share your blessings with the community.

Pumpkin with count your blessings message.
Social Hour: Sharing Stories of Kindness

Acts of generosity and compassion benefit both the giver and the recipient. People who give of themselves improve their self-esteem and enhance relationships. And, the best part - kindness is contagious! So, come together with your peers to share stories of when you have given, received, or witnessed kindness.

Social Hour: Thanksgiving Fun

Join us for some Thanksgiving fun! It’s a time to connect with your friends in the GetSetUp community and make new ones. So we’ll gather, reflect on the day, and join together in some lively Thanksgiving games. 

Finally, if you need to re-center after the hustle and bustle of the day, join Sarita S. or Glenda S. for Chair Yoga. Or, if you’re feeling sluggish after a day of feasting and are ready to get moving, join the Hips, Knees & Ankles Movement Class with Natalie W 

Throughout the holiday season and beyond share, connect, and learn with the GetSetUp community. There is something for everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving from GetSetUp. 

May 19, 2022
Monthly Campaigns
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