Key Takeaways:

As we kick off the new year, many of us are thinking about ways to make 2023 our best year yet. That's why we're excited to announce our latest GetSetUp challenge: The 2023 Empower ME. This challenge is all about taking control of our lives, setting goals, and taking action to achieve them. Whether you're looking to improve your health, advance your career, or simply live a more fulfilling life, this challenge is for you. So join us on this journey, and let's make 2023 a year of personal growth and empowerment.

What is the challenge? 

2023: Empowering ME is a challenge that invites Active Agers everywhere to prioritize reaching their goals. 

After years of collaborating with the GetSetUp community, it's clear that there are three areas that Active Agers care deeply about: 

  • Health and Wellness 
  • Money and Business 
  • Growth and Development 

Since this is what Active Agers care about, we've created three new series of classes — one for each category above. That way you can choose if you want to focus on just one area in the new year, two, or all three! 

How does it work? 

Your 2023: Empowering ME challenge is to choose one–or more–series of classes that align with your 2023 goals and then attend at least 15 sessions from that series in the month of January!

1. It's simple. Choose your series by clicking one of the links below. 

Health and Wellness - Covering everything from nutrition basics to fitness routines that are easy to follow at home, you'll learn how to make good choices when it comes to eating out and how to make healthy meals yourself. 

Money and Business - With classes on everything from starting your next entrepreneurial endeavor to finding a new job to better understanding the financial literacy tools available, you’ll find a community that helps you to improve your economic health and wellness.

Growth and Development - Take classes on goal setting, meditation, arts, and other soft skills. Some of the most exciting personal developments come from learning new skills and developing interests outside of your comfort zone! 

2. Once at your desired series page, click "Book All Classes" to choose from them all and get them all in your calender. Or choose the combination of classes that you'd like to book, then click "Book All Classes." Done! You'll find all the classes you just booked on your schedule. 

3. Now for the fun part! Just stick to your schedule by attending at least 15 classes from your chosen series in January!

We will track which group has the most participants, attends the most classes, and share with our community, so we learn where people’s goals are heading in 2023.

The start of a new year is a great time to focus on making healthy changes and getting in better shape. Join us for the 2023: Empower ME Challenge!

Jan 1, 2023
Monthly Campaigns
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