Key Takeaways:

  • Your life purpose is a journey, not a destination, and it can be found by exploring your passions, strengths, and what brings you joy.
  • Embrace your creativity and use it as a means to express yourself and make a positive impact on others.
  • Focus on what you can control, prioritize self-care, and consider how you can contribute to the well-being of others, whether through volunteering, mentoring, or other acts of service.

fter age 55, life can feel like a roller coaster.

It's a time of transition: You want to keep up with friends and family, but you also want some quiet time to reflect on what matters most in life. If you've been going through this phase too, don't worry—it's perfectly normal!

And there are ways that we can all embrace our creativity in order to find our purpose again:

Your life purpose is bigger than any solvable problem or circumstance.

You may have been looking for a solution to a particular problem in your life, but the answer is actually found in something much larger than that one issue. Life purpose is what you are meant to do with your life—it's not something that can be solved by following a certain path or finding the right person; it's an internal feeling of knowing what you're here on earth for.

Life purpose isn't always easy to define—it's more like a journey than a destination and won't necessarily look like anything else you've seen or done before. Your path might twist and turn, but it will ultimately lead you where you need to go if you keep moving forward with faith and determination.

Your life purpose is a journey, not a destination.

As you get older, it can be hard to know what your calling is and how best to pursue it.

You may find yourself asking: “What do I want to do with the rest of my life?” or “How can I find more meaning in my work?” But this article isn't about finding an answer for those questions—it's about helping you realize that these are the wrong questions.

Instead of trying to discover your purpose, I'd like to introduce you to another way of thinking about it: as a journey instead of something static and final.

This approach might feel counterintuitive at first because most of us tend toward goal-oriented thinking (i.e., doing things with the expectation that they will lead us somewhere), but once we understand what this idea really means for our lives, we'll start seeing opportunities everywhere instead of obstacles in our path—and that can make all the difference!

Play to your strengths.

It's easy to get sidetracked, but it's important to remember this: You should be doing what you are good at. If you have no idea what your strengths are, take some time to reflect on past experiences and look for patterns.

Here are some things to consider:

  • What do people compliment you on?
  • What makes work easier for you?
  • Where do others see the most potential in your skillset?

Asking these questions will help identify your strengths and guide you toward finding meaningful work that plays into those strengths.

Pursue your passions.

Ultimately, the key to finding your purpose is to pursue your passions and find what you are most passionate about.

You don't have to be passionate about everything; in fact, it's best if you're not! If you find yourself struggling with a particular activity, then it might not be for you. But if there's nothing else that brings more joy and fulfillment than whatever it is that interests or excites you, then this is the place where your purpose lies.

Take steps to move closer towards living your passions.

Once you have identified the things that ignite passion within yourself (whether they seem obvious or not), start taking steps towards pursuing them—whether these steps involve practicing on a regular basis or doing research into how they might lead somewhere else later down the line.

The point is: start doing something every day that moves you closer towards living out one of these passions as part of who you are now as an individual person rather than just an unfulfilled dreamer who sits around wishing life would change but never actually getting up off their sofa!

Do what makes you happy.

There are a lot of things that make you happy. You might enjoy spending time with your family, or maybe you’re more of a solo person who likes to spend time alone. Maybe you enjoy cooking, or maybe it’s gardening that floats your boat. Maybe it’s watching movies, listening to music, reading books or playing sports.

Whatever brings you joy is part of your purpose in life!

So when looking for what makes me happy….I remember this quote: “Happiness is not pleasure; it is victory." – Theodore Roosevelt

Go where you are needed.

As you near retirement, you may find that your responsibilities have shifted. You may be able to spend more time with your family, or pursue a passion that has long been on hold.

But even if your schedule has opened up, it's still important to consider how you can use that time in service of others. You might have fewer obligations than before but still have the capacity and desire to help those around you.

Consider these options:

  • Volunteer at a local homeless shelter;
  • Coach an underprivileged kid's soccer team;
  • Help teach English as a second language at a community center;
  • Get involved with fundraising efforts for an organization like Habitat for Humanity.

Focus on what you can control.

At this point in your life, you've probably realized that some things are truly out of your control. It can be hard to accept, but it's important not to waste energy trying to change things for which there is no hope of change. If you're trying to lose weight or get fit and healthy, don't worry about what other people think about how much exercise you do or how much food you eat. Instead, focus on what is within the realm of possibility: working hard towards those goals every single day and finding joy in the process itself.

If someone is critical or judgmental of your efforts (or lack thereof), they're not worth worrying about anyway!

Embrace your creativity.

Creativity is the ability to think of new ideas and ways of doing things that are different from what has been done before. If you have a creative mindset, you have the capacity to create something new or different that can be useful in some way.

The more creative you are, the more likely it is that your purpose will be unique, even if it’s just as simple as creating something beautiful out of nothing but objects found around your home. In fact, many people who live into their 60s and beyond find themselves being inspired by nature—whether it's through singing birds or blooming flowers—to express their creativity through art or music!

You can use your gift for making others happy by spending time volunteering in an organization that focuses on helping people with special needs (elderly adults who need help with daily tasks like cooking meals), or donate money to charities that focus on ending world hunger (by providing children with nutritious food) so they can grow up healthy and strong enough to achieve their full potentials!

As you can see, finding your purpose after 55 is a lifelong journey.

It’s not something that happens overnight and it’s not something that will be solved with a quick fix like going back to school or starting a new career.

But if you keep these tips in mind and apply them to your own life, then we think it will lead you down the right path toward fulfillment as well as happiness!

Aug 12, 2022