Key Takeaways:

Art improves our physical and mental health while supporting meaningful connections with others.

Humans are creatures of art. Though it is not essential to survival, every civilization took the time to create. Even in the darkest moments of history, people painted, danced, and sang. Today, more and more evidence suggests art is more beneficial to humans than we initially thought. British Medical Journal studies indicate that older adults who go to art galleries live longer than those who don't. People who created or experienced art for 30 minutes a day reported less depression and anxiety while experiencing more life satisfaction. Art challenges us, stimulating our brains to problem solve, empathize, and socialize. This World Art Day, challenge yourself through some of the art classes here:

Dance: Dancing the day away is not only a blast but has proven to improve strength, balance, and endurance in older adults. With each groovy move, know that you will likely improve your mood and set yourself up for a good night's sleep. Get your heart pumping and hips moving in one of our favorite dance classes:

Music/Singing: If you're not a dancer, listening to music is clinically proven to help increase feelings of empowerment and wellbeing. So feel free to sit in a dance class and get lost in the music. Or you can join one of these lively music trivia and singing classes.

Creative Writing: Writing is one of the most influential of artforms. It shifts cultures, makes us laugh, and teaches us empathy. Journaling to ourselves also helps soothe distress and increase wellbeing. Learn different techniques and find writing buddies through these classes:

  • Journaling For Mindfulness
  • Fiction Scribes
  • Creative Writing
  • Writers Workshop
  • Chinese Calligraphy in Practice
  • Gratitude Journaling
  • 8 Tips to Improve Your Writing

Photography: Like writing, photography helps us feel connected whether we are rooms or oceans apart. The human mind holds onto these photographs, and scientists are currently figuring out how to relieve stress through photography. Photography is also a great skill to incorporate into other hobbies, whether walking, gardening, cooking, or dancing. Learn some tips for the photography trade here:

Painting and Drawing: Drawing is one of the oldest forms of art, a way ancient humans told their stories. A method that we still use to tell our stories. Different colors in a painting can affect the mood of individuals by reducing stress levels. Drawing can bring feelings of understanding and relaxation. Find painting and drawing classes here:

Art is a beautiful reminder that we are all connected and not alone. It challenges us to rethink, relax, and be present in a world full of distractions. Celebrate this World Art Day by joining a dance, music, drawing, painting, or writing class. What will you create this World Art Day?

Jun 22, 2022
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