Key Takeaways:

  • More and more older adults are seeking career opportunities to stay engaged and active in the workforce.
  • There are several career paths to consider, including entrepreneurship, freelancing, traditional careers, nonprofit work, and education/mentorship.
  • GetSetUp offers courses to help older adults succeed in their chosen career path, such as starting a small business, freelancing, foundational work skills, and education/mentorship.

s our population ages, more and more older adults are looking for opportunities to stay engaged and active in the workforce.

Whether you're nearing retirement or seeking new challenges later in life, there are plenty of career opportunities available.

Here are some options to explore:

Entrepreneurship: Starting Your Own Business

Starting your own business can be an exciting way to stay active and engaged in your community while earning a living doing something you enjoy. Many older adults have years of experience in their field and have developed valuable skills that can be leveraged into a successful business.

GetSetUp offers courses on starting a small business or developing your skills as an entrepreneur, providing guidance on everything from creating a business plan to managing finances and marketing.

Learn more:

Freelancing: Working on Your Own Terms

Freelancing is a popular option for those who want the flexibility to work from home or on their own schedule. Freelancers can offer a wide range of services, from writing and graphic design to web development and consulting. To be a successful freelancer, you need to be self-motivated and disciplined. You also need to have excellent communication skills and the ability to market your services to potential clients.

GetSetUp offers courses on freelancing, such as "Finding Freelance Work After 50" and "Navigating the Gig Economy," to help you succeed as an independent contractor.

See our full schedule here: GetSetUp Classes

Traditional Careers: Valuing Experience and Wisdom

Many companies value the experience and wisdom that older workers bring to the table, and actively seek to hire older adults.

Some industries that are particularly well-suited to older workers include healthcare, education, finance, and government. Jobs in these fields often require specialized skills and knowledge that can take years to develop, and older workers may have an advantage in terms of experience and credibility. Traditional careers can offer stability, benefits, and opportunities for advancement.

Learn foundational work skills here: Work Foundation Skills

Nonprofit Work: Giving Back to Your Community

Nonprofit work can be a fulfilling way for you to give back to your community. Nonprofit organizations rely heavily on volunteers to carry out their missions, and there are many opportunities available for people of all skill sets and interests.

Some examples of nonprofit work include serving on a nonprofit board, volunteering at a local food bank or homeless shelter, or working for a nonprofit organization in a paid or unpaid capacity. Nonprofit work can be a great way to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others and contribute to the greater good.

Education and Mentorship: Shaping the Next Generation

Working in education or mentorship roles can be a rewarding way for you to make a difference in the lives of younger people.

Teachers, tutors, and mentors play a vital role in helping young people to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. To work in education or mentorship roles, you will likely need to have a degree or certification in your area of expertise. You may also need to obtain a teaching license or other credentials. Some opportunities for education and mentorship include working as a tutor or mentor for a nonprofit organization, teaching online courses, or working as an adjunct professor at a local college or university.

In conclusion, no matter what your interests or experience, there are plenty of career opportunities available for older adults. Explore your options and take advantage of the resources and courses available on GetSetUp to help you succeed in whatever path you choose.

Learn More:

Mar 17, 2023
Business & Jobs