Key Takeaways:

  • Social media is a big part of how kids communicate with each other today.
  • Technology and social media can help build stronger relationships between grandparents and their families.
  • Taking advantage of these tools can help grandparents stay connected and have fun with their grandchildren in their world.

ou’re a grandparent, but the world has changed over the years.

How can you keep up with all of these new ideas, trends, and technologies? It can be overwhelming to figure out how to adapt your style to these changes, but we are here to help!

One of the biggest challenges of being a grandparent is staying up-to-date with technology.

Technology is a big part of our lives now. We use it for everything from shopping to booking vacations and managing our finances.

It's important to keep up with technology to stay connected, but don't feel too overwhelmed. Try starting with the basics. Learn how to use email and social media so that you can communicate with your family more easily.

Your grandkids will likely have gotten used to using technology at an early age and can probably answer any questions you have about it!

Get your Tech questions answered from our friendly Technology Guides!

Social media is one of the biggest ways that kids communicate with each other these days.

They use it not just for fun but also as a way to stay in touch with family members who live far away.

You should consider taking advantage of the many social media platforms available today like Instagram or Facebook so that you can see what they share with their friends online. This way you can get a better idea of what interests them and what they value.

The way that kids communicate and play has changed drastically.

Luckily, there are a lot of options for grandparents to help them keep up with their grandchildren’s world. And beyond just staying connected, you can use this technology to build stronger relationships with your family.

To learn more about how to stay connected using technology and social media, check out our following classes:

Mar 15, 2023