Key Takeaways:

  • Exercise can help keep you healthy and fit even as you get older, but it's important to talk to your doctor first and make sure that exercise is right for you.
  • A monitoring device can help you accurately track your progress and keep you motivated and on track when starting an exercise program after age 60.
  • When starting out, it's important to start slow, listen to your body, focus on consistency rather than intensity, modify your routine if necessary, and stay hydrated.

fter 60, you might think it’s too late to start exercising. But that’s not the case.

Exercise can help keep you healthy and fit even as you get older. If you haven't been active for a long time or have never been active at all, talk to your doctor first and make sure that exercise is right for you. Then follow these tips on how to start exercising after age 60:

Consult your Physician

For many people, the first step to starting an exercise program is asking their physician for advice. Your doctor will help you plan a safe routine that takes into account your current level of health and fitness, as well as any other medical conditions you have.

Your doctor should also be able to recommend appropriate exercises for your age—whether it’s yoga or water aerobics—and provide guidance on how often to engage in each specific activity.

Get a monitoring device

A monitoring device can help you accurately track your progress. It can also keep you motivated and on track, as it can be easy to lose motivation when working out.

It is especially helpful if you're working out at home, or if you're trying to get in shape without the supervision of a personal trainer or coach. You should also wear one while working out at the gym; this way, they'll be able to make sure that you don't overdo things while exercising.

Start out slow

Start out slow. You don't have to overdo it and push yourself to the point of exhaustion. Take a nice, relaxing walk around the neighborhood while enjoying your surroundings, or simply turn on some music and dance in your living room!

Here are some other tips to get you started:

  • Listen to your body when exercising. If you feel like stopping after 20 minutes, then stop there—you're not going to hurt anything by ending up with a smaller workout than you planned for today.
  • Focus on consistency rather than intensity when starting out: 30 minutes per day is about right for most people; if you can increase that amount by five minutes every few days (or even every week), all the better!
  • Don't forget about stretching afterward either! This helps prevent injuries and keeps everything loose so it's easier for next time around.

Self-assess and modify

Your fitness goals should be realistic for your age, but that doesn't mean you should coast through your workouts. If you're struggling to complete a certain exercise or move from one position to the next, don't be afraid to modify your routine so that it's more feasible for your body.

Stay hydrated

The key is to keep moving and stay hydrated.

We all know that drinking water is good for our health, but did you know there are other benefits as well? Drinking water helps keep our kidneys healthy, which in turn keeps us from developing diabetes. It also helps flush out toxins from our body, keeping us looking younger for longer

Exercise is important to your health, and it’s never too late to start!

If you have any questions about exercising after age 60, talk to your doctor or a personal trainer. There are also many resources online that can help you stay motivated and healthy throughout life.

Check out this video to learn more tips and tricks for getting started on your fitness journey in you 60s!

Jul 13, 2022