Key Takeaways:

  • Takeaway 1: Don't let your experience hold you back in job interviews; demonstrate that you've kept up with technology and trends.
  • Be prepared for job interviews by researching the company and position, preparing questions, and dressing appropriately.
  • Interviews are key to getting job offers, so do your homework and be confident in sharing your wealth of experience with potential employers.

ome job seekers are reluctant to apply for positions they're overqualified for. Others are worried about how their age will affect an interview and whether they'll be able to relate to younger colleagues.

Here are some tips for ensuring that your experience, skills, and knowledge don't hold you back in this tough job market:

You have a wealth of experience, but it's important to keep your interview answers up-to-date.

In other words, you need to demonstrate that you're not just being truthful about having kept up with technology and trends; the interviewer wants proof that you've actually done so.

For example, if someone asks how you've kept up with technology in your industry, don't say "I read trade publications." Instead, explain what blogs or websites you visit on a regular basis. Or if they ask whether you think your industry has changed recently and what those changes are like for people entering it now versus when they started out 30 years ago—and they most likely will—don't give an answer along the lines of "well there were fewer jobs back then." Instead talk about some of the specific challenges young workers face today compared to when YOU first entered the job market (for example: "Today's college graduates are leaving school without any work experience").

You will do better in interviews if you're prepared.

It's natural to feel a bit nervous before an interview. But don't let that get in your way—the more prepared you are ahead of time, the better off you'll be during the interview.

Preparing for an interview is much like preparing for any other task: by doing some research and thinking through how you want to present yourself and your skills in relation to the position, you're less likely to be caught off guard during the actual event.

You can also use this time to practice common questions with friends or family members (who will hopefully help reassure and support you).

Interviews are key to getting job offers, so be prepared and do your homework.

To be successful during your interview, follow these tips:

  1. Research the company and position. Most companies have a website that contains information about the business, including its mission statement and history. The internet is also a great source of information on salary ranges, benefits, work hours, etc.
  2. Prepare questions to ask the interviewer! What do they like about working at their company? What do they dislike? Where would they expect you to get in five years if you were hired today? Why did this position become available? Your questions should align with what's important for the job and how long it's been open (if applicable).
  3. Dress appropriately! You want to look professional, but not too formal. The company's website should provide details on the dress code for your interview. If it doesn't, call and ask! Make sure you're well-groomed and have had a good night's sleep before walking into the interview room.

We hope that this article has helped you prepare for your next job interview.

Interviews are key to getting job offers, so do your homework and be prepared! You have a wealth of experience to share with potential employers, but it's important to keep your answers up-to-date.

For more information and support in your interview process, check out our class: Successful Interviewing.

Aug 14, 2022
Business & Jobs